Are you needing group support from your peers who are going through the MFT licensure process?
I am launching a Prelicense Counseling Group that meets two times per month for 8 weeks beginning in June. This counseling group will have the benefit of being able to count as personal psychotherapy at the 3:1 ratio for BBS while at the same time addressing all the needs and concerns unique to prelicensed therapists.
Is your "own stuff" getting in the way of doing great clinical work?
What a better way to work through it then with other trainees, interns and licensed therapists guiding you. We are here to help and want you to know this is a place for you to feel supported and nurtured in your journey,
Do you have questions or concerns that you feel only other MFT trainees or MFT interns can answer?
The cost of the group is $60 per person and is currently filling up. The group is scheduled to start again soon and we are excited to have a few more folks join us.
If you are interested in learning more about the Prelicensure Support Group, please call me at 916.837.0197 or email me at so that I can get you enrolled.