Find Your Tribe


You are not alone- I promise.

I felt that I was at one point… Seriously, who do you process the decision to have a hysterectomy with when you are 30 years old? It is a hard concept to comprehend unless you have lived it.  For me, it was a decision that came with guilt, frustration, helplessness, and loss of control. For others, infertility may be feelings of anger, resentment, isolation, anxiety, and panic around testing or ovulation. Hearing comments from friends and family like “Oh stop worrying, God will give you a baby when you’re ready”, “Eat more celery”, “Trust me, you don’t want one of these”, “Have you tried losing weight?” or my personal favorite, “Be thankful for what you already have” are not helpful. Not to mention the strain the process and decisions have on your relationship!

An Infertility Support Group may benefit you

This group is designed to provide support to women experiencing any stage of infertility. There are many different struggles with infertility and treatment options. Finding support from women who have the same feelings and emotions from their experiences may provide a sense of peace and comfort to you, knowing you are not alone.



Saturdays, May 6 10am-11:30am

 (No group the week of 2/21/17)

8-week session

$50 per session

              *If $400 paid in advance, will receive 1 free individual or couple’s session ($125 in value)

Led by Jennifer Nava, MFT Intern 97766

Supervised by Kami Storck, LMFT MFCC 47988

Infertility Support Group
Infertility Support Group Full Payment with Bonus